Thursday, May 5, 2011


When I look at previous photos from the beginning of the semester they all look somewhat forced.  It looked as if I was trying too hard to create the perfect shot.  I was trying to hard to take pictures that were too complex and overwhelming.  My photos were all close ups and I never took the time to create an open space with the finished product.  In this class I learned to not make my photos so difficult for a viewer to enjoy.  I started to learn about creating open spaces and I focused on not using the zoom lens as much.  I wanted to take pictures without so much complexity and blurry objects.  In these photos my main focus is to create the feeling of being smaller than that of the subjects.  I attempted to make the subjects look larger than they were.  In the picture of the graffiti that was taken in the beginning of the semester I feel was too close up.  I feel that I should have zoomed out and made the space seem more open than it appears in the photograph.  In the picture of the Gianicolo Residence which was taken on later during the semester I wanted to capture as much of the building as possible and put it up against a blue sky so that it made the building look even larger.  In the picture of a cupola at St. Peter's Basilica I created the large empty dark space to make the colors of the sunlit area stand out.  This course has taught me this new style of photography and I feel in the long run it will benefit me greatly.

Hope everyone has safe travels home!

I think we should all continue to post our photos to the blog!  

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