Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Light (color) temperature

Light temperature, which is more commonly known as color temperature involves picking the right film or setting your camera to the appropriate setting depending on the type of light present. When a camera takes a picture the "white" in the photograph may be altered depending on the type of temperature that the source of light is distributing. The temperature of the light is measured in Kelvin degrees. For example, if light is over 6000 Kelvin degrees, the white in the photgraph witll appear blue. When the light is below 4800 Kelvin degreees the white will appear yellowish. Meaning that a standard flash is around 5500 Kelvin degrees. In a digital camera, you can set the white balace to a certain fixed temperature. If you for example set it to 3200, you are telling the camera that you want yellowish tones to appear in the photograph.

Auto WBPreset Tungsten WB


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