Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ferdinando Scianna

This is Rola. Unfortunately I'm laying sick in bed and won't be able to come to class today. I thought to post something about Ferdinando Scianna. I was lucky enough to see some of his photos exhibited in Venice last summer. The one above is one of my favorites. I love the contrasts, shadows and simplicity of this pictures which I think says a lot about life in general as well as about beauty and age. 

A little about Scianna:
"He was born in Bagheria, Sicily, in 1943. In 1967, he moved to Milan, where he started to work for the weekly L’Europeo as a photojournalist and special correspondent. He then went to Paris, where he worked 10 years as a correspondent, writing about politics, photography and literature. In 1982, he joined the prestigious Magnum agency, thanks to master photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. He alternated between reportage, fashion assignments, advertising and portraits, and finally achieved international acclaim, while continuing to work as a journalist."

Can anyone please post or send me Professor Serafino's email address. My email:
I spoke to him about Dropbox last week and I think it would be a great idea if we all use it for sharing photos as well as documentaries about photography. I got some great ones I would love to share with you. If you would post your email addresses I could easily invite you to use dropbox or start sharing a folder with those of you who already have it.


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