Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Friedlander and Basilico

Friedlander is an American photographer from the 1960s and 1970s who primarily worked with Leica 35mm cameras producing black and white photos. His largest body of work is of urban ‘social landscapes’. His photos are in an urban setting and include pieces of stores, buildings, posters, and street and signs giving clues to the environment.  I like this photograph of Friedlander’s because of the graphic, linear elements created from the signs and their shadows. The vertical lines of the poles break up the strong horizon line.

Gabriele Basilico is an Italian documentary photographer who takes pictures of industrial landscapes and architecture. In 1984 and 1985 he was commissioned by the government to document the transformation of today’s national landscape in various European countries. He has a similar style and artistic intention as Friedlander, however they are working on different continents. Basilico has captured the precise elements of industrial machinery and his work captures the shadows and linear characteristics.    


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