Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diane Arbus and Sally Mann

Diane Arbus is an American photographer known for her square black and white photos documenting unusual people, typically performers. Her work is highly criticized because it causes the viewer to feel uncomfortable and not to feel compassionate towards the subjects that she has photographed. Many critics refer to the people she photographed as 'freaks' and they feel that she is exploiting these people's unfortunate qualaties rather than bringing out the best in them.

As I mentioned in an earlier post about Sally Mann, her photographs are controversial as well because people feel that it was inapropriate to photograph her young children with out clothing on. People accused her work of being child pornography, however I believe that her artistic intentions are valid. She explores themes of childhood as well as darker more difficult ones. She is a mother, she is their mother, which makes me feel like her position as artist and photographer is truthful and honest.


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