Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Two of my pictures I took in Spain - this time I really enjoyed taking pictures of architecture. Usually I'm more into people, but the old spanish stones really inspired me.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Here is a picture I took in Athens, Greece at the Temple of Zeus. I like the contrast between the fallen column and the modern buildings framed by the green palm trees. The ruins remind us of the past while the living trees bring us back to the present.


Monday, March 28, 2011

While traveling...

While in London I took a number of photos. Here is an example of how I like to capture the world around me.

- Nicole

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Some of my stuff.

So, I really love to shoot weddings.
My favorite part about it is being to capture just a simple, candid moment. This is one of my favorite pictures.
I think that weddings are a time with a lot of love and life, it's so amazing to me when my camera and I can capture that.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hi everyone!
I came across a photographer from Barcelona, Spain that I thought created interesting and beautiful work. 
Pep Ventosa’s lifelong passion for photography began with his first camera at the age of 10. He learned the mechanics of the darkroom at Escola d’Arts i Oficis Artístics de l’Alt Penedès in Vilafranca, Spain, and later taught himself the possibilities of the new digital darkroom.
His work is focused on an exploration of the medium itself - deconstructing and reconstructing photographic images to create new visual experiences.

Ventosa received top honors in 2009, including both a People's Choice Award and a winning Juror Selection from among thousands of entries from more than 85 countries in the prestigious Prix de la Photographie Paris competition, as well as an Honorable Mention in the London International Creative Competition. His photographs have exhibited in the U.S., Spain, Germany, France, and Switzerland, and have been jury selected for special exhibitions by the late Robert Rosenblum, curator of 20th Century Art at New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; the Pritzker Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; and the Royal Photographic Society of Madrid among others. His work is in the permanent collection of the Crocker Art Museum and his creative work processes are used as a teaching guide for photography students. 

Born in 1957 in Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona), Spain, Ventosa currently lives near San Francisco, California.

Adv Photo Class - March the 16th

Dear students,

Tomorrow the class is taking place in Largo dei fiorentini.

Please bring your cameras.

We'll work at the class book, we will print, and if the weather is good I would like to take some pictures close

to Castel Sant'Angelo.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Raw FIle Format

The RAW file format is digital photography's equivalent of a negative in film photography: it contains untouched, "raw" pixel information straight from the digital camera's sensor. The RAW file format has yet to undergo demosaicing, and so it contains just one red, green, or blue value at each pixel location. Digital cameras normally "develop" this RAW file by converting it into a full color JPEG or TIFF image file, and then store the converted file in your memory card. Digital cameras have to make several interpretive decisions when they develop a RAW file, and so the RAW file format offers you more control over how the final JPEG or TIFF image is generated. This section aims to illustrate the technical advantages of RAW files, and makes suggestions about when to use the RAW file format.

Gabriela Valero 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For those of you who like portraits check out Jim Rakete, a German photographer and photojournalist. He began photographing professionally at the age of 17 for daily newspapers and agencies. He took photos of Jimi Hendrix, Ray Charles, David Bowie and Mick Jagger.

Another interesting photographer is Robert Polidori, who is known for his architectural photographs. I love Polidor's photos of abandoned spaces and places because he is able to tell a story with these places that are filled with rubbish and broken things.
Anyone going to Berlin this month can see his exhibition along with another exhibition of the award winning photographer Nadav Kander:

Link to Exhibition info:


On Wednesday March the 9th our lesson is taking place in Villa Borghese.

On Wednesday March the 9th our lesson is taking place in Villa Borghese.
The meeting point is inPiazza del Popolo at 14:15 (I'll wait you  untill 14:45) p.m
Then we'll move to Villa Borghese.

My telephone number is:

The Big Picture Series: Bodies in Motion

This series of photos from called "Bodies in Motion" has a variety of photos of celebrations, athletes, dancers, regular people going about their business, performers and more. 
This is a photo of ballet dancers competing in a contest in Switzerland. It seems to have been taken with a wide angle lens in order to capture the whole scene.

This photo was taken with a telephoto lens to focus specifically on the central woman.

And finally this photograph was taken with a normal lens. It is of a man protesting in Cairo.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Working in the studio


Serafino wanted me to let the class know that there will be someone in the studio from 6pm until 10pm during the week so we can go and work during those hours.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


JPEG is a type of file commonly used with photography in which the photos are compressed. There are pros and cons of using this type of file: it can easily be stored, emailed and posted online however much of the quality of the photograph is lost when it is compressed. It is the most common file format for digital images. The acronym JPEG stands for the "Joint Photographic Experts Group" who created the standard format.
Photographers who wish to not loose any of the quality of their photographs shoot in RAW. RAW files are much bigger but also much higher in resolution.


The decade in photos

This site is rather INTENSE so only look at it if you feel up to it.
The site presents some of the strongest and most emotional works of photography from 2000-2010. It's really amazing to see how the art and beauty of photography can capture such terrifying and emotional times.

Like I said, intense, but really interesting to look at if you are able to...


today the class will be at Fiorentini

Largo dei Fiorentini at 2:15 pm